Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

Floating Things

There's a lot of things floating in my mind right now,

And how this blog works

It almost midnight in here,
And yeah, I know I need to sleep right now,
I just can't,
Don't ask me why, since if I know I wouldn't write post in here anyway

I do think, is there anyone read this blog?,
I mean it's not informative blog anyway
It just a place where I could easily put anything inside my head when I want to,
Yeah call it random blog, blank blog
It's mine anyway
Where I can put anything I want
Yeahn, just like this post,
Since I have nothing to do,
And my brain couldn't stop thinking and working

The problem is,
I saw increasing viewer in this blog,
Well and I get pretty shock,
I mean really?
Is there anyone out there?

Then never leave any comment,
But really? Are the stat visitors real?
Or it just the stat making up by blogspot?

Are u an alien? Or simply human like me?

Sorry for the-(well I don't know-th) random post

I just don't know anything to do
Well I just want to sleep anyway,

So hope I sleep well
Nighty night universe

Ps : are u an alien?
Sent from BlackBerry® from Vodafone

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