Why time flies so fast
Ever think about it?
It is sad when suddenly yours favorite tv show was aired 6 years ago
It is sad when you realized it has been 3 years already since you left high school
It is sad when you realized it has been 2 years since your first committee in university
Am I run so fast, like too damn fast
Ever think to go back?
Really, from my deepest heart, I really want to
No, I won't change anything
I just want to stay , hmm, maybe a week
To see how my life back then
To see and remember those things again
See how everything was stay simple
And look clean in every single way
Again I ask myself,
Can I?
I promise,
I won't change any single thing,
And I'm thinking,
Well, in the future, when the technology was way more more ahead ,
And someone invented time machine,
Can I try that?
Is it legal?
Maybe time is invented not to be repeated,
It is created so you can use it carefully and wisely
Well, that is way too hard I think,
I think what can I do right now is enjoy every moment I feel,
Let say, hmm, everyday celebration?
Because every single day is worth enough to celebrate something
Let say, a cup of ice cream, or your favorite movie with your friend,
Well, let's make it a resolution then,
Celebrate every single day in your life
Sound silly huh?
Well, I'll try that !
See you
Sent from BlackBerry® from Vodafone
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