Rabu, 03 Desember 2014

Things to do when life gets gloomy

Hi Ho People,
Isn't it funny how a song could switch your mood, like from super gloomy to super excited and happy for YOUR FUTURE!

so, this is what I usually do when life gets super gloomy and sad and grey and stuff
well, I rarely get sad, but when I get gloomy it will be like super gloomy
like the sky turn grey, birds are falling from the sky
well, kidding,
so this is what I am probably gonna do,
oh and plus to remind my future self what to do when such things happen

1. Remember to Take A Walk

I don't know about you, but I LOVE to take a walk. Just simply, enjoy your surroundings, don't bother to think about anything. Just be grateful that you are perfect human being living in this tiny little planet called Earth. But really, it does help a lot to take a walk and observe your surroundings. Well, at least it works for me :)

2. Listen to your own "Oh-My-God-I-Feel-So-Happy-After-Listen-To-This" Songs

Again, everyone have their own preferences. But for me, this song never fail to put a smile on my face :)

but, really everyone should have their own song!

3. Simply take a deep breath and count your blessings

This might be work when you're taking a walk. Realizing that you are probably way more lucky than many people in this planet :)

Human being tend to focus on the negative things and forget what they already achieve and get on their way . One dead end is not the end of your dreams people, just simply search for other roads. Oh and my favourite part, take a detour! You never know what or who you're going to meet on your way to get there :D

Failure is not the end of the world, I do personally think failure is the best teacher :)
You just need to deal with it, and learn from it
oh really, You'll do better next time
other people also face failures, so why do you think your problem is the greatest problem in this entire universe?

"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem"

"Failure is the opportunity to begin again, this way more intelligently"

4. Drink Hot Chocolate or Coffee

I don't know about you, but hot chocolate does its magic for me. I ALWAYS SMILE WHENEVER I SIP HOT CHOCOLATE!

oh, or at least, i tried this once as well

try to order black coffee no sugar. I am not a coffee drinker, and I try this once. When I sip that liquid into my mouth, I just realize that there is no way my problem is way bitter compare to the coffee

but really I guess this method is not everyone cup of tea

5. Do things that makes you happy

Again, it's everyone personal choice. You can choose to sing or drive or I don't know climb a tree?

For me, things that make me happy. Well, I get happy easily, like by drawing or painting something with crayon and water colour. Hmm singing does makes me happy. Talk to your old friends and reminiscing good old times. There's a lot of things you can do. Really

It is not that hard to be happy :)

so, I guess this is it for now. I will probably update this after I try new things

so, be happy people

"Even the darkest night will end, and the Sun will rise"

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